Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer Program

September is thyroid cancer awareness month, and to honour the occasion, PASYKAF launched 2020 a programme on the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Through this programme, PASYKAF aims to encourage the public seek regular check-ups for prevention purposes and provide information about the risk factors and symptoms for an early diagnosis and a successful treatment of the disease. At the same time, PASYKAF defends the rights of people who have experienced thyroid cancer

What actions does PASYKAF take?

During September, PASYKAF raises awareness about thyroid cancer and encourages women to check their neck area. In addition, in collaboration with the Cyprus Society of Endocrinology, it organises campaigns through mass media programmes, informing the public about prevention and early diagnosis.

It also provides information in printed and electronic form, such as leaflets and posters on the symptoms, risk factors and self-examination for the early detection of this type of cancer.

Thyroid Cancer Information Flyer

What does PASYKAF offer you?

Through its Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of thyroid cancer programme, PASYKAF:

  • Organises presentations or lectures in communities, organised groups, companies, organisations and schools based on the Covid-19 regulations and health safety measures;
  • Encourages the participation of people who have experienced this disease in the Thyroid Cancer Group of PASYKAF by being actively part in matters relating to improving their quality of life.

For information, call 77 77 19 86 or email