Social Support Services are offered to meet or respond to human needs and social problems.

PASYKAF’s Social Support Service deals with financial issues arising from the illness and providing solutions, where possible.

The social workers and sociologists teams cater for the day-to-day difficulties of both the people with cancer experience and their immediate family environment.

The main purpose of the Service is to provide practical assistance on social welfare matters.

PASYKAF Social Workers:

  • Inform the patient and his / her family about the services PASYKAF offers free of charge.
  • Study and evaluate whether the patient is facing any financial and/or social problems, requiring immediate support.
  • Provide emotional and counseling support to the patient and his or her family throughout their health experience.
  • Provide the patient with immediate access to information regarding the provisions and benefits that s/he is entitled to during treatment as well as the conditions and supporting documents required in order to receive each benefit.
  • Collaborate with various Government Agencies as well as with public and private Oncology Centers to better handle the various problems that patients may encounter.
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