Male Cancer Prevention and Early Diagnosis Program

Prevention and early diagnosis of male cancer is one of the main priorities of PASYKAF. To this end, PASYKAF signed a Memorandum of Collaboration with the Ministry of Defence and National Guard in October 2013, which was renewed in June 2020.

The Male Cancer Program seeks to provide information about the main symptoms and risk factors for prostate and testicular cancer. At the same time, it aims to reduce the annual cases of prostate cancer, which is the first most common cancer in men, to defend the patients’ rights and improve their quality of life.

What actions does PASYKAF take? 

PASYKAF, in collaboration with the Cyprus Urological Society, informs the public about the symptoms of prostate and testicular cancer and reminds men for their annual examinations which are the rectal examination and the prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

In addition, PASYKAF organises information programmes broadcasted on the mass media and lectures on the prevention and treatment of prostate and testicular cancer.

What does PASYKAF offer you?

Within the framework of the Male Cancer Program, PASYKAF offers to the public, organised groups and workplaces:

  • Presentations and lectures on the prevention and early diagnosis of the prostate cancer, in collaboration with members of the Cyprus Urological Society;
  • Presentations and lectures on the prevention and early diagnosis of the testicular cancer to members of the National Guard, public and private schools, in collaboration with members of the Cyprus Urological Society;
  • Information material in printed an electronic form to health professionals about the symptoms and risk factors of the prostate and testicular cancer.

For information, call 77 77 19 86 or email

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. In Cyprus, during the last years, around 450 cases are recorded annually. It is considered a slow growing disease and many men diagnosed with this type of cancer live for many years without any symptoms and without it spreading and becoming life threatening. Some forms of prostate cancer can be aggressive and metastasize rapidly. However, if detected early, it has very good prospects for effective treatment.

Testicular Cancer Information Flyer